Here's someone whom I've known ALL my life. My buddy-best pal-my secrets storage guy who teach me to love rock music and most importantly, MY BROTHER. My one & only. Heh, he's my only sibling, actually.

That-by the way, is a WIG.
He turned 26 a few hours back. That makes him OLDER than me. Somehow, I pamper him like he's younger. Yesh, if there's one person I love pampering, it's HIM.
But fair is fair. He is protective of me. Will try his best to help whenever or wherever he can. Especially whenever the inconsiderate me asked him to fetch him in town late into the night. Despite working the morning shift the day after, he'll oblige, settling easily for some supper or a pack of ciggs (not that HE ask. I offered. I like to pamper him, remember??).
He understands and listens to me. He's one who can talk bout' anything and he's honest with his opinions/comments and he does have good taste. People are amazed at how chummy I am with him. He doesn't feel embarrassed walking around with his sister - shopping, eating, play pool or just walk around.
My own frens were surprised at the manner that I converse with my bro. To them, elder brothers are admired, adored and looked up to. To me, he's my equal. I know some of his friends thought it's very strange and I was often mistaken to be his gal. Yeah, we looked a bit different. So what?
Anyway, bro. Here's wishing you a VERY HAPPIE 26th B'DAE.
Do cut down on the ciggs and the junk food, okies? And try to sleep earlier every night. You'll develop real-time insomnia, soon at the rate you keep your late nites. Your health is VERY impoertant. To me, to Mummy & to Daddy.
May you achive what you strive for in life. Be it the girl of your dreams, your career and others you deem important. May you be guided in the right path, always. I pray for your happiness and REMEMBER, we - Mum, Dad & myself will always be behind you. We'll always be there for ya. Just don't disappoint us. Take care, Mate (he wanna be a surfer).
Love you lots! *muacks*
Birthday wishes to Brother too.
May all his dreams & wishes come true.
Take care all & best wishes,
aww.... that's sweet of you, minerva.
I informed him already. He still remembers u. It's not often that I encounter twins, in my life, u noe... ;)
Oh.. ;)
Tt's nice of Bro too - Thanks for passing on the wishes.
U take care too & stay cool,
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