part 2
Like I said, I was really bored, keeping house.
My mum had insisted that I make my way to the gym.
Geez, what aspect of 'resting' and 'recuperate' doesn't my mum get...?
My bro has asked for the longest time, for me to watch him skim and snap some shots. And yesterday was the first time that I wasn't working when he's skimming.
So I took the plunge and hail a cab at 4pm. And what luck, it rained as soon as I reached East Coast Park! Pfft!
The rain eventually ceased in less than 1/2 hour so I got trigger happy.
And somehow, my favourite shots are of their rough tumbles.
Not that I'm being sadistic. Cos' it hurts, aite?
But the pics seem to have a more dramatic effect, liddat.
Check out the last one. Hehee...
Hey gal,
Take care, alrite?
Speedy wishes of recovery comin' your way, now..
Chum, take loadsa water & rest, and try not to strain yourself so.
Do finish your course of med/c, also. U'll be fine! :)
Hugz & Wishes, as always, me*
p.s. Nice pics, btw ;)
Hello there!
Nice to hear from u (everytime)!
Thanks for the well wishes. Recovery dun really come easy with the spell of weird weather these days.
Hope all of u take care too!
Smile always,
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