260305 - 270625
Should have done this days back...
Well, better late than never.
Moi cousins and myself have never really mastered the art of sitting still during long holidays. We planned here and there before settling for some overnite camping at EC. I took the initiative to book a pit, considering that my dad's side has pretty large-scale families.
It started well, despite me coming home late the nite b4, yet having to wake up in the wee hours of morning to prepare sandwiches. Dun' understand what enthusiasm came over me that day. Previously, my idea of preparing sandwiches was bringing cans of tuna w/ mayo, a bottle of chilli sauce, bread and plastic forks. You want to eat, you prepare yourself.
I know, I know. That cursed character-trait. LAZY.
And THAT same trait is kicking in my system rite now. Guess I'll just make comments alongside the pics that I'm dumping in here....

The day started well - sunny weather, fairly high tide and enough space to pitch 4 tents...
That's my 2 cousins (2/3 of the food-catering team).

Well.... That's until it started to rain. Heavily. For almost TWO hours!
Within the 1st hour, the bored kids were actually playing with water INSIDE the tent. Yeap, water was seeping thru' the not-as weatherproof-as-expected tent material...
Oh, did I mention that during that 2hrs, my tent was was the only one standing UPRIGHT throughout? Yeap, you guessed right. The other 3 ACTUALLY collapsed.
Kinda' funny, actually. One moment my cousins were sitting still, the next thing I knew, the tent took after the outline of their form.

...Soon after, I changed into what's left of my dry clothes and rushed home to fetch my parents (logistic officers) and my other cousin (remaining 1/3 of the food caterer).
Then comes the BBQ.
However due to that it's a pretty unearthly hour for me to con't blogging on a weeknight, I shall take my leave and goodness-knows-when I'll continue with what happened next.
I would like to take this opprtunity to thank the fella' who looked like a dark Chinese man and spoke Malay like he is one and yet is actually a Eurasian (no wonder!). He, with his rain-coat and hammer, helped to re-pitch our tents-despite the heavy downpour and later, help us move ALL 4 tents to a higher & more stable ground. He even offered us the hooks at the back of his tent should we wanna go fishing.
If you wanna see him, his tent is pitched on the beach outside the toilet block at Area 'C'. He worked at the toilet block in the day & a nearby pub at night. He's lived on the beach for 7 months...
...Don't as me why....Anyway He Rocks!!!!!
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