Now, the dinner. Despite the crowd and disallowed reservation that Saturday evening, we managed to get a table for 6 after less than 15mins, just in time for Natra's & Ika's arrival.
Suzy can't help comparing the food here with 'the other one' much to Han's chagrin. "Do you have to compare EVERYTHING??"
Food's alright. Heck, it's the company that makes everything spectacular!

fried country mushrooms
First to arrive. Kinda' enjoyed popping this in. Save for the fact that they're piping hot inside. Greedy us!
Served with what seemed like garlic-butter sauce for dipping.

cajun fried oysters
This one's pretty alright. I still prefer my oysters really fresh AND raw. However, I'd rather have this over the oyster 'poppers' served at fisherman's wharf.
The sauce here could be mayo. It's too thick to be sour cream. I would much prefer the latter.

garlic butter mussels
My favourite of the lot. Served with a basket of baguettes.
Natra, Ika & myself, we must have inhaled the sauce in or something. Have to get more from Suzy's side of the table (ordered 2 portions).
Goes really well with the rice that comes later.

scorching them prawns
We told the guy to keep on doing it till we are done with our photo-taking. It amused me when he started smiling after that.
Too bad, our cameras were only aimed at his hand and the pan.
Skilled, ah that fella!

more fried oysters and fried calamari
I prefer the spiced ones we had earlier. But the calamari here was spiced. Not bad.
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