Oh dear...The numbers are continuing with their rise on the death toll chart. A moment of silence, please. Tick...tick...
I'm not going to gripe bout' not being able to go to Phuket this coming Feb. I'm more worried bout' those in affected areaS who are still not evacuated.
Extracted from CHANNEL NEWS ASIA
"....As survivors were evacuated from stricken areas across Asia, the full horror of carnage wrought by the tidal waves emerged; babies torn from their parents' hands, children and the elderly hurled out to sea from their homes, entire villages swept away.
...Indonesia's Aceh province bore the brunt of the temblor, hit at point-blank range and then battered by a tsunami, leaving at least 4,725 dead and many more missing.
...In southern India survivors grimly buried or burnt their dead as the death toll rose to more than 6,500, with thousands more missing amid warnings of a return of killer tsunamis.
...Thousands of people were fleeing the coasts of the islands after fresh tremors hit Monday and meteorologists warned aftershocks could trigger "big waves" until Tuesday afternoon..."

Let's get on with our prayers for them to be brought to safety before the next strike of nature's fury.... Please God help them. Amin.
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