Yesterday evening started with a trip to the airport. Yar, yar, sounds lame but hey, we ain't the only ones (non-traveller, that is) there. I dunno why my dad ain't pleased with the idea of me hangin' out at the airport. Turns out, my fren's dad has the same sentiments, too. So does my cousin's dad... Did I thell you that all our dads work at the airport? Hmm...?
We were at T1, near Swensens. I know ppl go to the airport to look at planes. Who cares bout' those metal birds anyway? We go to airport to look at ppl. Yeah, standing at the upper level, looking down thru' the glass window and commented on those foreign travellers hanging at the departure lounge. You know, where all those retail outlets are?
Like I said, standing there like some dictators, with a baguette, croissant, cappucino & latte from Delifrance. Huh, coffee from Delifrance?? Hey, last time I came here(ages ago) Coffee Bean still existed in T1, ok??? We do contemplate going back to T2 & get Starbucks but....leceh, lah. But it's nice to comment on those unknowing travellers below, who came from all walks of lives & congregate there, at Changi Int'l Airport. Niwae, we may sound like we got no life but we were there from 8+ till' 11pm. Hee...
Niwae I dun' want to be photographed, my fren dun' wanna be photographed. So just took photos of the surroundings...

That's where we hung out :: Guess, I'll be taking that-Tiger Air :: It's Christmastime!
My bro fetched us. He hinted that he'd not eaten yet, so I offered to get him supper(see, lah!) From airport, where else? Changi Point, lah! It's almost the rite' time for bapok/ transvestite or whateva' names they get by. I'll just refer to them as 'ladies'. I mentioned almost the rite' time. So to fill up that space, where do we go? Ol' Changi Hospital. Yar, yar... Malam Jumaat and all. But we just stayed in the car.
Then it's off to supper. "You're in luck, they're out early today..." my bro said. True enuff'. Almost 10nos. of them were already sashaying ard the carpark. He drove slowly past each one of them. Fuh, gorgeous!(as always). Well, till' they started talking, anyway. My bro had fish & chips(sedap, I tell you! Taste like Fillet-O-Fish).

My bro & his fish & chips.
My bro mentioned there's another 'spot'. There's only a lone lady there. Turns out my bro knew her. I turned down my window, "Chris! Hey!" my bro called. Aik, mcm kawan lama, lak... Chris giggled upon seeing my bro. 'She' saw my fren' at the back seat. Never expecting another passanger, she feigned surprise. "Haiyah, relaxlah..." The voice?...erm...There's more to be improved on.
Next, we went to "blakang runway". Reaching there, we're in luck(again). A Quantas megatop was just taking off. Whoo! The sight, amazing! The noise, deafening! Then it's silence. There's were a few stationary & dark cars nearby. Dun' ask me wat they're doing, just that when we passed one of them, we saw one of the 'ladies' in that car. Hmm..
We end that night looking at the stars. In a dark place like this, the stars were much brighter... bigger.... Wow!
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