With us, it's either East Coast Park or Changi Airport.
Hungry as we were that night, we settled for Swensens's to have a decent meal. It may just be my last meet-up with her with me still keeping my 'single' status, after all.
Well, all those times we spent together, just rambling on and on about random things that struck a chord with only us. Topics may vary from travel ideas, Hollywood gossip, movies, music etc. We were contented just doing simple things and going only to places that we really like, which are what was mentioned above.
We used to like the Old Merlion spot near the Waterboat House. Well, until we discovered that there are geckos crawling on the timber floorboards....
Talking about the Waterboat House, we once hoard dreams of residing in that quaint building. It had looked so desolate, then. But we can see the beauty behind that dull white facade. We imagined have afternoon tea on the roof, enjoying the sun and breeze . . .
Of course that was long before it was eventually revamped to house that souvenir shop and famous French restaurant ...
... I think I've strayed too much from the initial topic. Sigh, such nostalgia....

testing the new cam.
Anyway, Swensen's was having this Valentine's Day promotion where a 4-course meal will only set us back $68++ (not inclusive of SC & GST).
1 side dish + 2 food items + 2 yoghurt smoothies + 1 couple-sized ice-cream cake.
Obviously we took it up!
While I pondered on what I should have, the friendly manager came over and informed us, "Since the price it's fixed, you should order the most expensive item on the menu. Worth it."
Which is so darn true.
So order the Rib-Eye Steak, I did. Hehe. Me love meat! S stuck to her choice of pasta. She's a self-declared vegan, by the way.

Our side of deep-fried mushroom.
Seeing this made me miss the one from Zingdo. Theirs had mushrooms of different varieties...

S's order of Black Pepper Pasta w/ Mushrooms.
If you wonder why this isn't in the menu, it's because this was a special order. The actual dish was the Black Pepper Seafood Pasta. But S had requested that no seafood be added. Only mushrooms aka vegetarian.
And oh, make it extra spicy, please.

My order of the Rib-Eye Steak - done medium.
They gave me medium-well instead of simply medium but I'm fine with it. As long as the meat ain't tough to the bite.
Steaks are usually served with seasonal vegetables and I'm glad to see the Dou Miao (pea shoots) on my plate. Those little greens were just so crunchy yet tender. And sweet.
The squash and carrots are kinda bland. But the baked potato totally rocked. I still prefer the ones served at Eatzi, though.

Yoghurt smoothie ~ my Berries-Merry
Berries & Apple Juice. S had the Strawberry-Kiwi.
Don't you just wonder, where the yoghurt was? The thin consistency was so unlike a smoothie. I take it that it's supposed to be similar to the Indian lassi...

Valentine's Day ice-cream cake
We chose, 'Lovingly You' over 'Be Mine', which is: 'Peachy Mango ice-cream w/ crumble bits, topped w/ peach chunks, blueberries & strawberries.
'Lovingly You' meanwhile, is chocolate ice-cream w/ pitted cherries, topped with strawberries & mixed berries.
Look at the pic. The whole cake was obviously still in frozen state (read: really hard!). Check out all that frost! We almost thought them to be icing sugar.
After 15 minutes, the ice-cream was still impenetrable (the knife can't even cut through!) so we just dug out the berries first.
They should have taken note when our when our main course was served that they should have already brought the cake out of the freezer by then. Thankfully, we had a lot of time on our hands. What if we had been in a rush?

halfway through
When the cake was first served, we initially thought it to be too big for us both. Initially.
But all that endless conversation while plunging our forks into this eventually made us realise that it's not impossible to finish it up after all!

Free balloons.
The whole deal includes free photo-taking and printing, where they'll put the pic in a customised cardboard frame.
Also a discount coupon and free heart-shaped balloons.
S is horribly camera-shy and is pissed that the manager kept asking when we'll like to have our photo taken. She had vehemently refused.
The amused manager eventually gave us one balloon each. We're supposed to get only one, actually.
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