Raya has been tiring, no?
Tiring for the pockets too. Got my pay early and it deplete even earlier. To think that November just began today. My bank statement makes me think that it's already the 15th. Sheesh!
This year Raya was right smack in the middle of the week and it felt totally weird, when thinking I have yet to go to the homes of my closest relatives.
Weekend had been about welcoming guests to the home, albeit sneaking out early that Sunday morning and rushing back when my relatives insist on coming down when we're still out visiting.
Saturday was really draining. My mum & I managed to meet our masseuse for our massage appointments early that morning; to ease out the exhaustion from Hari Raya and prepare us for the impending crowd later in the day. My dad had fretted, aghast that we're still going to the spa despite expecting visitors.
I know that he's just scared about having to deal with the guests alone. Must have stressed him out terribly. He hit the sack right after we came back. Poor him.
Oh yeah. That Saturday was also soccer-nite. And I have the big tv not unlike the ones at sports bars. So the earlier guests (especially the men) refused to budge while other families kept coming. So my flat was reminiscent of a can of sardines. Free-flowing drinks, jars of snacks & nuts and a big tv. Makes for a good soccer night doesn't it?
And ALL left at the same time. Almost midnight, when the Man U match was FINALLY over. Imagine the queue of kids lining up before my mum, expecting the $$$.... Tsk. But it was fun. We didn't even clean up the mess that night. The whole family was dead-beat.
I think I'm allergic to heat. I mean, I sweat wayyyyy too easily in this climate. That weekend, whenever the anxiety of dealing with the visitors got to me I just snuck into the room and face the fan. Gotta recharge!
I melt in the heat yet I can't stand cold temperatures. How to move to New Zealand like that? Cheyyy...
And my bro is back to his weird ways. He was supposed to collect the car at 1pm yesterday (his off day) after servicing. But he pushed it to the next hour. Then the next AND next. Then he rushed to take a cab to get the car at FOUR pm.
Cos' he got too engrossed watching THIS:

My 27 year-old elder brother procrastinated collecting the car because he was into Princess Hours! He claimed that the actress is cute. Har!
He watched FOUR dvds of that show yesterday, hokay! Well, that's because I have yet to collect the remaining four from my cousin. And HE'S the one making plans for me to fetch him today just so we can go over to my cousin's to get the remaining dvds. Cos' he wanna watch the rest of the show pronto.
And I tot' I was the one crazy bout' the show.
BTW, despite watching the DVD version, that goondoo brother of mine forgot to on the subtitles. I dunno how he actually tolerated watching 5 hours of Korean drama without subtitles. Geez!
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