It's crazy; the way this show took control of our lives.
I woke up this morning to the sound of the song, 'Perhaps Love' playing in loops. It sounds strangely like the menu page of the Goong (Princess Hours) dvd. Turns out, my mum was desperately trying to figure out how to play the darn dvd!
What's surprising about that, you ask? Well, my mum NEVER bothered to learn how to use the dvd player (not technologically challenged; more like technologically 'reluctant') and here she was trying to watch one on her own! Her very VERY FIRST attempt! Well, she failed of course. She got the dvd part right but she didn't change the AV channel on the tv.
The past few mornings, either my bro or myself would have played the dvd for her before we left for work. The fact that she couldn't wait for me to wake up shows just how desperate she is to watch the last few episodes. *sigh*
Well that's just my mum. Even the patriarch ain't spared by Chae-Gyeong's cuteness. Personally, I think my dad finds her character adorable.
My mum and I now hoard the main tv because we want to hear the show in Korean, hence my dad had to resort to watching the tv in his room (the main tv used to be his territory after dinner). Now he watched the show with us. You should hear him laugh when it comes to the funny bits. He love it, I tell you! Muakakaka!
And then there's my brother. My 27 year-old elder bro. The same guy who made me watched 3 WHOLE episodes on the wee hours of that particular weekday morning when his shift starts a mere 4 hours later.
The same guy who's watched the ending THRICE. Once, when he can't hold back his curiousity and watched the last episode straight away. Then 2 days ago, he continued watching from where I stopped at the 22nd episode. And yesterday, he was also there when I FINALLY watched the ending. And he never got tired of it.
2 nights ago, he game back and handed me a Poh Kim plastic bag. I looked inside and saw the Goong Original Soundtrack. Yes sir. My bro bought that.

He told me that the video shop near his workplace played the songs over and over and he can't resist purchasing it. I told him that I got all the songs on my mp3 player. He told me that he would like to watch the VIDEO CLIPS when I had already returned the dvds back to my cousin. Okayyyyy......
Well, that's 2 nights ago.
Yesterday, he told me that he's gonna buy the dvd himself. And take a day's leave to watch ALL EIGHT of them at one go. *faints*
Somebody save him. Please.
Anyhoo. Saw this pic of Joo Ji Hoon (Lee Shin) & Song Ji Hyo (Min Hyo-Rin) outside of Princess Hours. They look good together, eh?

No, they're not a couple. Just some modelling shots.
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