My digicam is with my cousin so I had to rely on the humble VGA camera fone with an even 'humbler' picture quality. Well, better than nothing....
Tini's 'pit' at ECP (Area D, No. 41)
For something that is arranged on a whim, things sure went well. Thanks Tini & Odi, for the invite. The food is superb!
Seriously, Tini, when you're preparing the stingray and you keep saying, "Crap, crap," I find it pretty appaling that you'll say that about the food. Not nice, you know. However, upon tasting the fish, it suddenly dawned upon me that you meant, "CRAB, CRAB," (as in the crustacean).
Yep, that's how dee-licious the stingray is. Practically tasted like crab-meat. It must have helped, the fact that it's a full-moon night (where crabs are know to be at their meatiest).
Even my bro, who's particularly picky about any fish he ate almost gobbled up MY share of that dish. Geez!
Oh, and the sauce. My, my..... I relish it! Very, very spicy-yet addictive. You can have some liquid dribbling down your nose eating it but you can't help dipping the (fantabulous) fish WITH that incredibly RED sauce. Boy, it's THAT good.
And it was thoughtful of you to prepare that salad. Love it! You know I can't do w/o veggies in my food.... Thanks!
Tini's 'pit' at ECP (Area D, No. 41)
For something that is arranged on a whim, things sure went well. Thanks Tini & Odi, for the invite. The food is superb!
Seriously, Tini, when you're preparing the stingray and you keep saying, "Crap, crap," I find it pretty appaling that you'll say that about the food. Not nice, you know. However, upon tasting the fish, it suddenly dawned upon me that you meant, "CRAB, CRAB," (as in the crustacean).
Yep, that's how dee-licious the stingray is. Practically tasted like crab-meat. It must have helped, the fact that it's a full-moon night (where crabs are know to be at their meatiest).
Even my bro, who's particularly picky about any fish he ate almost gobbled up MY share of that dish. Geez!
Oh, and the sauce. My, my..... I relish it! Very, very spicy-yet addictive. You can have some liquid dribbling down your nose eating it but you can't help dipping the (fantabulous) fish WITH that incredibly RED sauce. Boy, it's THAT good.
And it was thoughtful of you to prepare that salad. Love it! You know I can't do w/o veggies in my food.... Thanks!

Oh, the 'shisha' session is a definite bonus. Check out my bro's 'Dragon's Breath'. Cool stuff!
Daytime~Movie + Shopping

Watched THE ISLAND with Shyba. I highly recommend that you watch the Digital version of a movie, esp. those action-packed ones (if available). Currently, the only theatre offering Digital movies in S'pore is @ Cathay Cineleisure.
The picture quality is better, the sound is better BUT the price is the same. If I offer you a VCD and a DVD (of the same movie) at the same price, which one will you take? The DVD, rite???
The shopping part, I shan't elaborate. Heart pain! It never fail to amaze me, how it takes a mere day to almost deplete the amount that took me a month to earn.... Geez!
Nightime~Supper + Pool

Made arrangements with Yan for a supper session. Bro came along with a collegue/friend (whom I personally considered as his 'prospective girlfriend'), Natalie. Ate at Mak's Place.
After which, bro sent Natalie home in Yan's car (before meeting us again) while I drove Yan to our next stop: West Coast Recreation Centre for pool. Dun' ask me why I had to go so far just to play that game. But the place is pretty cool. All the tables are those 12' Brunswick type. Impressive.
Head back home at almost 3am. Bro reminded me that I have to wake up at 6am later... Arrrgh!
Quiksilver Beach Volleyball Tournament @ Sentosa
That Sunday morning saw me wake up at the ealiest timing in months. I didn't even get up THAT early for Subuh prayers...
Brush teeth, wash face and drink the I-dunno-how-many-shots coffee my dad prepared. He's worried about me driving in my sleepy/zonked-out state. Well, he SHOULD be.
In case you're wondering, yes, I didn't bathe that morning. The plan is that my bro will fetch his friends and head into Sentosa, drop off and I shall drive myself back home and MAYBE continue with my sleep. See, what's the point in bathing?
I'm the sort who can't go back to sleep after waking up. Much less after being driven with a bunch of excited 'competitiors' who know NUTS bout' the game they're about to play. Therefore, I joined them at Siloso Beach.

That Caucasian fella in the leftmost photo, who wore the black boardshorts
- is the S'pore/Asia Quiksilver big boss.
~Click >>HERE<< for more fotos~
All's well until it started to rain - pretty heavily. The games were halted. That's when I decided to head back home cos' my dad's been bugging me, saying that we've gotta' head to Jurong for my niece's surprise b'dae celebration.
So I WADDLED in the rain, cos' my flips-flops-being flip-flops, are flimsy and slippery; with a towel wrapped around my head, the large Quiksilver goodie-bag on my shoulder and a large beach-ball under my arm.
How do you think I look, then????
Come to think of it, I deserve that 'shower' cos' it's already noon and I haven't EVEN bathe. Haha!
I'm so darn thick-skinned to admit this. Geez!
Syafiqah's Birthday
She celebrated her birthday with a big-bang the day before. With the fireworks to boot. with thousands of other students who were there at the NDP preview.
Anyway, I didn't manage to get a parking lot at IMM so my mum hurriedly bought 2 small cakes from POLAR. 2 cakes because there are too many kids for a single cake. Of all flavours, one of of them had to be Coffee. Very funny, mum. Since when do kids eat coffee-flavoured cakes?

The (belated) birthday girl cut the coffee cake and the kids consumed it. Cakes are cakes after all, albeit the coffee flavour. The chocolate mousse cake? My auntie had jokingly kept the cake, saying that it's not meant for kids...
Later on,I saw THAT cake being cut.

Something seemed fishy, though.....

Erk..! How come it's my aunt who's cutting the cake??! So she wasn't joking after all, when she said that the cake is meant for adults only. Sheesh..!
Anyway, played around with the latest addition to the big, big family...

Muhammad Khairullah, the youngest in the brood of 5 brothers & 1 sister. Yes, he's No. 7.