Pizza Hut's X'mas Surprise pizza
...Which is.. well... NOT that surprising. Same ol' thing, if you ask me.
Had this at my aunt's when we came on a short notice so she resort to pizza delivery service instead of cooking up a storm.
An acquaintance had taught me not to eat the crust on the edges, so as to be able to consume more slices but when the pizza comes with a stuffed crust, how can I resist?
A slice of this and the Hawaiian and I'm done. Are the drumlets getting soggier or what?
Jimmy, my colleague, came into the office on Christmas eve and placed this on Sri's and my table.
"Merry Christmas!" he said.
Whoa! Joyous mood already?
Cute little snowman-shaped white, milk & dark chocolates. Then there's the fruity variant shaped like stars ans encrusted in sugary glitter.
Amused me a little. Just what I need to alleviate the pressure, considering that I had a deadline to rush for and it's a 1/2 day...
Later that evening, I made plans with some friends for some desserts.
With this bunch of friends, it's always about desserts.
One of them decided on Bakerzin and I can't help agreeing. Sri and I had made plans to head there earlier that day after work, considering it's 1/2 day. We ended up having plans so the idea was set aside.
Our highlight when coming here is the chocolate souffle which has this deep and rich dark chocolate taste. That and the caffe ice-cream that it's served with..?
Oh, will you just take a look at that?!
Despite there being only 3 of us, we still ordered the 7 tapas anyway.
I really gotta applaud Bakerzin for coming up with such an innovative concept. I love variety and with them serving small portions of each, I can easily have a taste of almost all that's available.
We ordered 2 of these because they were good and the portions are pretty small.
The taste was just right. Love it!
Oh, the caramel Panna Cotta was topped with this rich and almost bitter espresso-like sauce. Which goes well with the caramel taste actually.
I dipped that biscotti with the panna cotta. Umm....
The fresh berries and the light panna cotta taste really goes well together. No surprise, there.
If I'm not wrong, this is actually cheesecake ice-cream?
The term coupe (in reference to the car) should mean 'open-top'. And while normal cheesecakes have cookie bases, here, the cookie is crumbled on top.
And drizzled with berry (I dunno which one) sauce. Our favourite.

chocolate & caramel ice cream with hazelnut rice crispies +
hot chocolate shooter with vanilla ice cream
The hot choc shooter is the one in the background.
We're supposed to down it all in one go but considering we're sharing, we had to carefully scoop using spoons...
The caramel ice-cream made me miss the burnt caramel one from Island Creamery.
The krispies got a little soggy but the round wafer-like thingy in the centre is good.
So there....
Wonder where the next stop will be, peeps?
How about The Pier @ Robertson Quay. There's this cool place called Laurent's Cafe & Chocolate Bar (formerly The Chocolate Factory).
or Canele...?
Oh yeah, one of my dear frens then presented the rest of us with an X'mas gift- right after all that desserts.
It took be by surprise, of course. Thankfully, all that sweets didn't come back up (and out).
Considering my disinterest in spending (unnecessary) money on brands like this, I never thought I'll ever own one of their products.
First it's that Coach one and now this..?
Don't even ask when I'll use this. Like I'll EVER??
However, that santa friend insist that all of us use it when we're out together... Le sigh.
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