He kena go for re-service since last Monday last week. And yes, he did come back for the weekend. Saturday nite to Sunday, actually. If his camp had been at Bedok Camp (like his NS days) I dun' mind having supper with him at Bedok Corner or something. But at Tanjong Gul????! Heck, I don't even know where that is! Even HE isn't sure where that is.
He did not even allow me to send him all the way there. He did drive in & out of it but that was in the day. At night..? Besides he know that this sister of his has a MAJOR direction problem. Yes, I admit, I get around to places simply by following my instincts cos' my memory power is so weak, it's unreliable.
So I dropped him off at Boon Lay. I was willing to drive him & his frens there despite it being Sunday nite b'cos :
1) I know I'm going to miss my bro so and I wanna see him all the way.
2) I really can't imagine anyone paying $30/= just for taxi fare (from Bedok-Tg. Gul). Even if it's shared among 3 ppl, it's still too much.
3) One of his frens that'll be in the car is pretty cute. Gotta' see him. His old schoolmate, lar.
Anyway, when my bro was describing his camp, I recalled one of my fren, Bas's similar description of his camp during his NS days. When I passed Jurong Camp and saw that it looked spanking new, I asked my bro if there's any dilapidated camp in the area. He answered, "Got. Tanjong Gul."
So I asked Bas, which camp he was in previously. His answer? "Tanjong Gul." After knowing that, I excitedly regaled the guys in the car with the story of the pontianak that (may) haunt that camp, the old, old block that has this 'big, black thingy' and 'lots of tiny kids palying around at night'. Then of the discovery of the long, long hair that appeared in Bas's boots when he woke up.
....You SHOULD see the look on the guys' faces after I'm done with my story-telling. If looks could kill..... ;P
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