My blog is worth $4,516.32.
How much is your blog worth?
Pretty cheap, I know. Well... what do you expect from one's personal blog? Totally uncommercialised.
My blog is worth $4,516.32.
How much is your blog worth?
Yeah, the plan kinda' got screwed up a weeny bit. You know when kids come to Geylang.. They get excited at seeing the lights and all. But they soon tire of it and wanna go home... Thing is, I had planned to bring my cousins home with me and since there're supposedly ONLY 3 of 'em, should be able to bring them along to send my mum before heading to Mustafa Centre for some late-night shopping.
So ALL of us went our separate ways as the kids needed to be sent home and I have to fetch them after I sent my mum later. Wah, 2 of my cousins live in Jurong, leh! As luck would have it, my male cousin in the group, who just got his driving license wanna give driving a shot. He even came prepared with his tri-plate. Phew! His sister felt pretty hungry and asked for some egg prata (I dunno what came over her) so I suggested we head to the famous Cheese Prata Shop near NUS. Cheese and prata? Great combi. But the prata quite small, lah.
By the time I sent my cousins in Jurong and Bedok South back, it was 4.30am. Just nice. Reached home in time for sahour with my dad.
~With my secondary sch pals.
22102005-Sat-Nadia's apt. @ Prince George Road (NUS Graduates Apts.)
We planned and planned and even eventually forgot about the earlier date that we had agreed upon. So we pushed it to the next week.
I researched and researched. Asked Nadia upteenth times, yet I still managed to lose my way there. Sheesh! It had looked so easy on the Streetdirectory, I admit. I missed the lane leading to her apartments down at Prince George's Road and was brought directly to THE GAP. And the funny thing is, I didn't even realise that is THE GAP, until I was halfway thru' it.
I recalled a couple of my frens mentioning this place and had wanted to bring me here. Heck, even my dad wanted to let me try driving here and I actually drove into it UNCONSCIOUSLY... I dunno what's the deal with this place, aside that it may make a good location for a scene from the movie, Initial-D. When I told Nadia I was driving there, she totaly freaked out. Guess I wasn't supposed to be there... *shrugs shoulders* I did find my way eventually and was greeted with this glorious sight from her apt. windows. Like she said, Kent Ridge is already a hill and we're 12-storeys atop it!
Can see the lush greenery of Kent Ridge (a small jungle, in other words) and the best is the view is of Pasir Panjang Shipyard/Port. The cool part is the fact that the sun sets right above that harbour. *awe*
It's almost Magrib and we hurriedly got to preparing for buka. I set up the steamboat-yes we're having STEAMBOAT which I brought from home. And I forgot one essential thing. Lighter. Hey, how am I supposed to know her kitchen uses electric stoves?? So I gotta thank Nadia's hubby for hurrying down to get it. Thank you.It's really fun having a steamboat dinner with close friends. Soooo like... communal eating. Updating one another on our respective lives over a pot of boiling tom yam soup like that... Heh.
And Nadia, I really like your Sri Lankan chicken curry. Too bad I was too stuffed. Next time I will bring some french loaves to go with that curry of yours... *winks* Dessert comes in the form of a surprise birthday cake for Rufeah, whose birthday was only the day before. She got so excited that she cut the cake without blowing out the candle first. Haha!
Spent the rest of the night looking at Nadia's wedding fotos and video. Also, her honeymoon cum 2nd wedding in Sri Lanka @ her hubby's hometown. *sigh* So nice to see them in marital bliss...
Wished I could stay longer, what with the cool night breze and gorgeous view... Too bad my bro needed the car by 11pm.
Thank you Nadia, Imtiaz for hosting this Iftar session. Hope you like the surprise, Rufeah!
And the guys there were all good-looking! Clad in black, even! With their stylo-milo hair and their stylo-milo dressing..... *swoon!*
Oh, the end-result...? >>>> Taken at Bugis Junction Ladies room>>>>
~Effy had a funky cut. The student hairstylist was ecstatic upon knowing that there's ACTUALLY someone who gave him the go-ahead to "try anything you want".
~Suzy was given this classic behive/bob cut with an edge. She ALSO gave the stylist the go-ahead to "do anything to her hair".
~My cut was pretty much on the safe side. Evenly layered and the hairstylist unwillingly gave me bangs. She didn't want to trim my fringe but I was dropping some not-so-subtle hints by always blowing my long fringe away from my face.
Besides, her senior asked her to. Heh. Wise guy...
Both Suzy & I watched 'The Skeleton Key' @ PS to pass the time. Met her beau, Hazre after that before going on a shopping trip at Far East Plaza. Paycheque's still quite sometime away but I decided to just buy a new pair of shoes and a handbag for Hari Raya. Better get the shopping over & done with. Especially with Suzy around. My shopping mood always kick in when she's around. Dunno why...
Effy later joined us straight from school. Her final paper's over and she was ecstatic to start with her shopping. Buka at Cahaya (Far East). U need to make reservation to eat there or you can forget about getting a seat by Maghrib.
I finally decided to get my (other) cousin a Charles& Keith handbag for her birthday and the whole bunch followed me to Wisma Atria to purchase it. Felt bad for the hassle so I suggested we chill at Starbux Liat. Besides, it's been quite sometime since I last had (gourmet) coffee. I miss my Caramel Macchiato...
I can't remember what exactly went on at Starbux but I DO recall laughing till' my abs hurt. Maybe it's got to do with the stunt that we pulled by shamelessly propping the camera on the side counter and set the timer to have a group foto taken. And 2wice, we had some customers innocently passing the camera when the 10secs were up. One American guy gamely asked (feigned shocked look on his face) "Oh, you were taking pictures? Did you accidentally snap a shot of my butt? Oops! Sorry about that!"
Needless to say I had fun that day. Tini later called to ask me to accompany her to McD cos' she's hungry. Looking at the time: 11pm, I drove to McD ECP (24hrs). I dunno what's with her appetite, but she managed to convince me to join her at McCafe (after her McD meal), eating (sinful!) cakes with Mochaccino. After midnight, no less...
Finally met Kai's 'baby'. Actually it's his (new) car, aptly named 'Snow White'. Cute & reliable. Bas & Meng (from the West-side) hopped into a cab back home. Meanwhile, Kai, Khama & I (from the East-side) didn't feel like going home yet. We decided on somewhere that is low-cost (yas, that bill REALLY affected us) so we settled for some beach somewhere. I got into the topic of ice-creams and all of us started lusting after a tub of Ben & Jerry's. Haha!
The plan was to purchase the B & J @ a petrol station somewhere and hit Changi Beach. Then it started to drizzle. Kai drove on to Changi but the airport, lah. We crossed our fingers that Swensen's still open at 11pm. It still is. Yipee! Got for ourselves a tub of 'Chewy Choc Fudge'. As u know, the great ppl of Swensens will pack the ice-cream with dry ice, rite? And then there's this 'himbo' (the male version of a 'bimbo') among us (definitely NOT me), who let the tub of ice-cream (i/c) rest on the dry ice when all the while, we were struggling with the super-hard i/c and using extra strength just to get much bigger chunks than simply the morsels that we're digging out. And it's not even chewy!
....Or so we thought....
When there's less than AN INCH of choc fudge i/c left, Khama finally discovered what was wrong. He dumped the dry ice. Less that a minute later, we were SCOOPING (note: no more digging) out big-big CHUNKS (note: not morsels) of really CHEWY choc. fudge ice-cream.... Well just TOO BAD there's only a teeny-weeny bit left..... Hmmph!
Finally went home. Oh, while at the airport, received a call from my cousins saying that one of my other cousin had got into a motorbike accident (he's the pillion). My bro followed-up with a call soon after. He's going to NUH to see how that fella's doing. I was about to get worried until these 2 fellas ask me,
"So how's he doing at the A&E?"
"Erm... in a wheelchair waiting for his turn..?"
"And he called you guys?"
"Erm.... Yeap."
Then he should be fine. Unless you tell us he's on a stretcher, I believe he should be fine.. Maybe he's just in shock"
...Oh, I almost forgot I had a TP beside me... Heh.
Reached home. Time check: 1.45am. Thanks for the ride, Kai! That's a pretty little 'Snow White' u have. Hee.
...Until I heard some voices outside my door. FAMILIAR voices. Glanced at the clock. 11 pm. What the....? Next thing I knew, saw my maternal cousins rushing in, grinning from ear-to-ear. My aunt also had that same 'sneaky' look. They put some bags in my hands. Things happened so fast, everything beacame a blur. Felt something heavy weighing my right hand down. I looked. A CAKE????? Huh?!
Was sooo sleepy that it took sometime for it to dawn upon me that they're giving me a surprise belated-b'dae bash. Geeeez!
The cake came with 2 big candles and a-certain-number-of small ones. I insisted on using ONLY the 2 big ones. This is in hounour of ALL the people who have asked me which school I'm (still) in. Especially those who declared that I 'do-not-look-more-than-20'. You ARE the very people who never fail to light up my day with every time you ask me such cute questions...
You see that? I didn't even think about changing. I was wearing my TWEETY BIRD PJs for goodness sake! Was even lugging around the Mashimaro that I sleep with. And I'm more than just 2 big-candles-old. Sheesh!
I know about what they say of belated birthday celebrations and all.... But hey! It's not my own initiation...!
Back in the kitchen, my mum actually had all the paper plates and cups ready. She brought out the cans of soft drinks that we purchased just now. Ahhh.. it all make sense now. So EVERYONE is aware.... All except me of course. Even my bro who's at work knows about this.
Seriously, these kinda' things-surprises and all, works REALLY well for me cos' I'm known to be the blur-block. The gullible one amongst my relatives, BOTH maternal AND paternal. HERE is another instance, back on my birthday-according to the Islamic calendar. Yes, I celebrate my birthday 2x a year. My paternal side celebrate my Islamic birthday. My maternal, the regular one.
ANYWAY..... Thank YOU so much ~ Suzy, Effy, Natra, Ika, Bik Su, Paman Aweng for bothering to come down so late at night for that mini celebration. Thank you Yan and Hajar for remembering. Thank you ALL. This year has indeed, been full of fond memories.... ;)
AND... I really, really love the gifts. How'd you know I'm craving for a pair of Havaianas...? And a new bracelet?
And to you too, Sri. My dear, dear collegue. For that pair of MASHIMARO car-seat headrests. Now, everyone can recognise my car. My bro ain't too pleased but that's HIS problem. Teeheehee...!