Indoor Stadium
It's was fantabulous! So surreal! Felt like a dream come true! I thought that I was part of the audience in KBS's Music Bank or Mnet Countdown or something..
Effy (the cousin I went with)! I'm sooo darn glad we went...! NO big freaking regrets whatsoever!
Ok, tired already. Losing voice also. Scream/sang too much. Wayyyy too much.
It was disappointing, though, to see the main audience in front being soooo sombre while us in the terrace and balcony zone were so loud & hyped-up. Such a waste!
Hope this will be an annual affair or seeing the strong response will encourage DBSK to put Singapore in their tour list. They alone can command their OWN concert, without any others for back up.
Oh, and Big Bang! Geez, how could I forget them? I want to see T.O.P live!

The MCs that night
Park Jung-Ah (Jewelry), Andy (Shinhwa) and Tan Li Yi

the sexy Chae Yeon
I've been a fan of hers for sometime now. She's just so... pretty!
Still prefer her over Lee Hyori.

I can't believe that this is the only decent picture that I had of them. Too excited, my hands shook.
Maybe too busy singing.

I can't believe they performed Beautiful Life! I listened to that song on my mp3 almost everyday. Man, that performance is my highlight of the night!
Their voice... *sigh* sooo dreamy! Kinda' remind me of SG Wannabe.

Screamed like crazy here. Them and their sleek dancing. Another highlight for me, this band.
Can't help screaming, "10 points-out-of-10!" in Korean when it comes to the chorus...
Crazy lah.

They're soo fair and.... and soft. No offence to their fans. These boys (yes, young boys they are) are cute..!
I remember when my mum saw their mv on KBS, she asked, "Are these boys or girls? Look like girls, dance like girls, pose like girls...!"

Andy (Shinhwa)
He performed both his hits, 'Proposal' and 'Love Song'. I missed taking a pic of him doing the 'heart' with his hands. ) ;

Wonder Girls!
The No. 1 girl band in Korea actually came! I screamed out the chorus to both their songs, 'Nobody' and the huge hit, 'Tell me'.
SO tempted to dance to the latter.
And Wonder Girl’s voice quality..? Forget it. Especially when it got to SooHee. We just love the songs.. and dance. Whoever in there who doesn't sing/scream along to their chorus must have wasted their bloody time.
I was having some hiccups due to all that screaming on an empty stomach so if you see some funny jolts of the screen, you'll know why.
Or that my cousin Effy, in her excitement, had knocked my head numerous times with the inflated clapper... -_-
Tell Me
Hmm.. I stumbled upon this blog and was reading your entry on the Korean Pop Night.
The 93.3 deejay you were talking about is Tan Li Yi and she's a Singaporean. Perhaps that's why her korean didn't sound as good as Andy's or Park Jung Ah's? Plus her face was going to be shown across Korea, I would think that she's nervous. :)
Give the girl some credit, it isn't very nice to go "who-ever" and "whose korean sounded weird". It was good enough for me to uderstand so I dont think her Korean was that bad. :))
Ah well, just my opinions, just like you've got your's.
Cheers! :)
hi there Ling,
I figured out who she was only when I read other ppl's entries on the event.
knowing that she's not korean, I hafta' say kudos to her for her for the effort. it IS fluent alright but.. oh well. i notice that andy and jung ah took some moments to register her speech sometimes.
but yeah, the fact that her korean was understood, i guess it was some success on her part. and all that faltering? yeah, gotta blame them nerves.
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