Chalet, Course, Cousins, Cakes & BBQ
So my family booked a chalet at 'Island Resort' East Coast over the long Good Friday weekend.
'Resort', MY FOOT! With the exorbitant rates they charge for one room there, there's no harm in expecting good things, rite?
I mean, with that same amount, I can get myself a decent hotel room uptown!
I sure as hell did not expect these:
- mosquitoes buzzing around
- the wardrobe door to almost come off the hinges
- the main doors to being unable to lock properly
- the overhead fan to spin at a pathetic speed
- to have only a naked bulb for overhead lighting (some units have chandeliers)
- have no extra power point for the kettle (you need to use the switch meant for the standing fan)
- the aircon to work miserably (obviously they haven't been serviced for quite sometime)
- bits of gypsum board coming off the stair edge
- the tap in the toilet washbasin to leak
It's no wonder that there are still available rooms despite us booking it less than a month prior to the long weekend. All Costa Sands resorts were fully booked by then.
Upon checking out, my dad spotted the proprietor. Turns out there was another unhappy guest. Both of them
Okay, back to happier things... Pictures!
My maternal cousins.
Location of camera: On the dustbin.
Hence the green foreground.
My wearing the hijab is due to that I just came from my marriage preparatory course.
Natra and my Dad with the cakes.
Mango cake from Polar, chosen by me, paid by my fiance.
Chocolate cake baked by Natra.
Dad's b'dae: 24th March Age: 60
OMG! So old already?!
Natra's bdae: 28th March Age: 18
Date of celebration: 22nd March
3 goons. My bro and his close pals.
That pic was taken when I was transferring songs. Songs from me are the likes of Scorpions ballads, Broery Marantika, Abiet G. Ade, Sudirman, Chrisye etc....
Songs from my bro are by Helloween, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple etc...
He's out to give my dad heart palpitations.
Quite a rarity. My camera-shy guy posing for the camera!
(unlike me, the aspiring cam-whore)
It was quite hectic for my family that Saturday. That Friday night itself, was pretty madcap, with me having to drive back and forth, bringing the things meant for the chalet/bbq.
My mum must have thought that we're moving house, with the amount of things she had arranged to bring. Then there's the last minute grocery shopping at NTUC.
The next morning was worse. My parents had to go back to attend a wedding. My brother works in the morning and I had to fetch my fiance to attend the Marriage Preparatory Course (kursus perkahwinan).
Considering that the course was a full day affair, I decide to park at Golden Landmark instead, since I can't imagine the number of coupons that I may have to tear out if I parked outside. But I sure as hell didn't expect the $18++ charge. I mean, it's a Saturday after all!
The course was a blast. It's does work to open up our eyes to what we'll be in for. Everything was direct, straight-in-the-face. Coincidentally, issues that he and I have discussed about, was a topic of discussion with the jovial Ustazah Hamidah.
Anyway, I send him back to his house just so that he can wash up and I managed to get his parents to come along to the bbq.
Which was also a blast, by the way.
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