Arsenal vs. Chelsea
0 - 2
On home ground, some more. Ok, I know that I've told myself before- "NO MORE soccer reviews" but I can't help it, lah. This is a match I've been looking forward to. Heck, I even mark it in my office & home calendars and even in my organiser!
Way before the match started, I've already lowered my expectations of Arsenal ever winning this match. They're getting weaker and the absence of Gilberto Silva and Ashley Cole further hampered any intial hopes. And Chelsea..? They're getting stronger with every match. Besides, Arjen Robben's back.
That's Lampard with his haphazardly-made head wrap bandage after a clash with an Arsenal player. Must have been a deep gash, there- considering the amount of blood that kept flowing.
Did I mention that Arjen Robben's back? After 4 1/2 weeks of absence due to injury, he's finally in the line-up, baby!
Determined to prove himself after his long absence, this wonderboy in his short-shorts is such a pleasure to watch. His speed , skills and strength is such a wonder to look at. I even vote for him to be man-of-the-match on ESPN and turns out, many other felt the same way, too. He garnered the highest votes of 25%.
Throughout the match, I have to keep reminding myself that as much as I adore him, he's from the rival team and his skills will only prove to be a great threat for Arsenal. Awww... sheesh!
Just too bad he was taken off later and Joe Cole's strong reflexes made him prove his worth, esp. after he saw Lauren's mistake as a great opprtunity to make his mark in this historical match (1st time they won in Highbury since 1990). Joe's the MOTM, by the way.Many have expected this match to be a personal battle between the 2 managers, Arsense Wenger and Jose Murinho. The ensuing war of words between them had cause a somewhat dark cloud above the game, knowing that there's more than just the title-race in (their) mind.
Murinho had it easy while the uptight Wenger remained... erm... UPTIGHT. He knew he's screwed when Lauren made that fatal mistake which eventually saw Cole's shot hit the back of the net. Bet he was worried about the young players messing it up but for an experienced one to screw up???
At least the players didn't really respond to their bosses' battle cry. It's great to see the captains from both teams, John Terry and Thierry Henry giving each other a bear hug that could easily warm hearts in that chilly weather.
Bet the conversation goes something like this:
Terry: Hey, great game there. Don't let what goes on between those 2 goons affect us.
Henry: Yeah, right on. Congrats.
. . . And both head for the shower.
Anyway, frankly speaking, I much prefer the game that went on earlier.
Middlesbrough vs. Tottenham Hotspur
The pace is consistent and there's equal action from both sides of the field (hence the draw, I guess). My favourite goal that night thad been the 2nd goal from Boro- courtesy of James Morrison (but scored by Yakubu).
However, towards the end of the game, he collapsed after crashing into a Spur's Robbie Keane. It's a worrying sight- seeing how he went limp, meaning he had been knocked out cold.
He did regain consciousness later at the dressing room. *phew!*
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