We got $300 worth of Centrepoint vouchers that can be spent at the various Centrepoint Shopping Centres and I specially select Causeway Point simply because that place is big & it's easy to get stuff all under 1 roof.
Btw. my 14 yr-old cousin Fatimah drop by the night before & stayed over...

...so she ended up joining us for this shopping trip.
I admit that I'm such a lazy person esp. now that it's the fasting month & the destination is sooo far away...

So I leave it to my dear bro to do the driving. Not that he mind, anyway. I'm glad he drove cos' reachin North, it began raining cats&dogs. So heavy was the rain, that visibility must be down by almost 50%!
Not surprisingly, there was a 'mini-jam' leading to... guess where? The carpark of Causeway Point! Har! But as I thank my lucky stars that the car in front was the lastest Merc C-Class. I was ogling at it until a van rudely squeezed in & park right there & then. Drats! Everyone jam-braked. Atrocious! Here we are, patiently following the CORRECT line into the CP(unlike others who try to cheat by squeezing in near the front) & this stupid van just parked there. My bro, being my bro, spewed expletives(regardless of the fact that my parents are in the car) and blast the car horn at the van. Euuugh!!! I hate car horns!!!
Luckily the shopping was fun. Got a b-dae gift for me collegue, bought my cousin her Hari Raya shoes, my bro stock-up on his surfer clothes, I dunno what dad bought but I know mum bought cushions & kitchen utensils (again!!) With the voucher, she took the chance to purchase the more high-end ones. I bet they are silverware...

I'm not a big shopping fan so while the others find their stuff, my cousin & I went....on a mini photo shoot! Hee... Now that's fun.

Grab any clothes that we took a liking to and snap pics while posing with them. Well, till' my dad had to call my handphone asking our location. Frankly, we dunno. Wandered too far, I guess. Ha ha!
There was a Mitsubishi roadshow below and my bro+myself got into the Colt to get the feel. Then I quickly nudged him. "Last time I did this at this exact place, our family ended up buying a car. Scary..." I told him. He just laughed it off. He can do that cos' he wasn't there, then. But it's the truth. It was the KIA roadshow then and my mum & I was so interested at the Rio H/B model that the salesperson approached us. The rest, as they say, is history...
We bought stuff for buka at the bazaar next door. Lotsa' stuff, man. Almost bought the Arsenal jersey & polo tee there. I was interested in the blue one. I'm SO glad I didn't purchase that 'un cos' that very night, Arsenal lost to Man U wearing THAT same jersey...
Niwae, we sent my cousin home before heading back. What a day it's been. Both my bro & I managed to catch some 40winks before break-fast....

After all that fun, I still wasn't too keen on shopping...
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