I was soo darn busy last month, I missed out thanking many who have given me a lot. Now, where shall I start..?

Bas, Inder, Kai, Khama & Meng ~ THANK YOU.
I totally dig this bracelet!
Funny thing, Khama apologetically told me that it's also my (very) belated birthday gift.
Coincidentally, he gave it to me on Hari Raya Aidiladha - my birthday, based on the Islamic calendar.
Sheng Leong & Wengyi ~ THANK YOU.
The glass box is gorgeous.

Who was determined to get me a present on Aidiladha. And kept bugging me to think of what I want.
He refused the request for diamonds, though.
So my cousin help me suggest Adidas Mary-Janes.
This old school design is uber-cool.
He actually went down the whole stretch of Orchard Road, looking for this version. And finally found it in Raffles City. Imagine the trouble he went through....
Mum & Dad:
THANK YOU for the bling-bling watch!
They had told me of some 'surprise' cupcakes that they ordered alongside the ones for his side.
They jokingly mentioned designs of a pair of Korean bride & groom, complete with the red cheeks.
Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and found this!
Call me selfish but I initially refused to let anyone touch them.
Coincidentally, Arsenal have a match that very night. So I relented and told everyone that they can eat the cupcakes only if they won. ONLY the ones with the balls & boots. The ones with the Arsenal embelm are reserved for only fellow Gunners fans.
I just can't imagine fans of rival teams *ahem* (the devils) *ahem* taking a bite of that sacred embelm. No way!

I knew something was up when you keep bugging me for my favourite scent.
And this new range from Calvin Klein - Euphoria Blossom, suit me just fine.
And they made me apply the body lotion on my hands so they will smell great for my engagement ceremony...
Suzy ~ for the cute 'Ladybird-Strawberry Garden'.
Natra & family ~ for the snack hampers
Huda & Juju ~ for the dadih & snack hamper
My uncle Hadi ~ for the Famous Amos hamper.
My paternal cousins ~ for the candy box, cupcakes & fruit basket.
My neighbour, Cik Hanom ~ for the corn cream puff.
My aunts ~ for the kek lapis basah & kering.
Nek Kam & daughter ~ for the very creatively done jelly creation.
All of you, I can't Thank You enough. *muacks!*
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