Thursday, January 31, 2008
bali not pack
...and I still haven't pack.
So what else is new?
My previous trip to HK last year, I only finished packing less than 5hrs before I'm due to check in.
I slept merely 2hrs then.
This is an 8-day trip. From the beach, to the mountains, to the sea (literally) and back to the beach again.
And I still can't figure out what to bring.
I've never been away for sooooo long!
And I realised that I had forgotten to tell a certain someone the time of my flight so tomorrow he actually end up working right when I want him to send me off.... *knocks self*
Seems like I have to buy stuff for more people, aye?
Till' I come back then! I dun intend to blog when I'm away, aniwae.
Friday, January 25, 2008
break my heart
courtesy of celebrity baby blog (CBB)

This one too.

I can't imagine how it's like, for a small child to lose her parent.
How will it be like when she grow up?
My heart goes out to the family.
I got these from CBB's tribute to Heath Ledger as a father.
My favourite quote from the late Heath was published here:
"...Oh, God -- where do you start? I guess you're kind of forced into respecting yourself more. You learn more about yourself through your child.
Read it all H.E.R.E.I think you also look at death differently -- it's like a catch-22. I feel good about dying now, because I'm alive through her, but at the same time you don't want to die because you want to be around for the rest of her life...."
There are more pics of him and his daughter. Also with his ex-girlfriend.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
furball guest
Isn't she just sooooo cute!
aaargh! I'm hyperventilating already.

My gate has this 40cm high acrylic sheet fixed to its bottom part and yet my dad opened the door early this morning (kasi masuk rezeki!) and saw this furball curled up tight.
This kitten climbed that acrylic panel to sleep on the rug that my mum put at the gap between my gate and door. That rug is to prevent dust from coming in under the door.
Space between my gate and door = less than 10cm.
After waking up, she remained quiet. Which kinda' pleased us all, including my dad. Mind you, my dad ain't fond of pets but she's just tooo adorable, la!
Wanting her somewhere cosy and proper to sleep, I grab the shoebox within reach (my choice of shoebox didn't please my bro one bit) and my mum volunteered her rug. She crept in, much to my amusement. Then I placed her outside and my dad kept the door ALMOST closed.
And from that gap, we saw her climb back in! Effortlessly.
She she got back to her curled-up position and set to continue with her disrupted sleep.
Oh man, I can just go on with this. I'd better stop.
Okay.... Point form.
dad hesitant. dropped obvious hint. not prepared for a pet (again). me too. kitten wake up. tried to get in. sleep again. climb back out. disappeared. me sad. cat come back! mewed and mewed. me mewed back. yes, I mew. went into house. me have to carry out. me don't carry cats. awkward. put back in box. climb out. bit my (new) shoe.
me go work. cat played with me. keep thinking of her. me think me miss her. keep looking at pics. will she be home? what to do woth her?
is it a good omen? rezeki? to discover something like this waktu subuh? what do we do???
R.I.P. Heath Ledger

"The actor Heath Ledger was found dead in a Manhattan apartment on Tuesday afternoon...
"...The police said Mr. Ledger, 28, was discovered facedown in bed in an apartment at 421 Broome Street in SoHo. Police officials said that a bottle of prescription sleeping pills were found on a nearby night table, but that they did not know whether they played a role in Mr. Ledger’s death..."
I am sooo loking forward to his portrayal of Joker in the new Batman movie: The Dark Knight. It's said his version is wayyy darker as compared to Jack Nicholson's.
Then there's him portraying Bob Dylan in, "I'm Not There." That's a very depressing character, if you ask me.
"...Ledger told The New York Times in a November interview that he "stressed out a little too much" during the Dylan film, and had trouble sleeping while portraying the Joker, whom he called a "psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy.
Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night," Ledger told the newspaper. "I couldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going." He said he took two Ambien pills, which only worked for an hour, the paper said."
I totally dig his works: Lords of Dogtown, Casanova... Brokeback Mountain... Oh how I love the latter.

We lost yet another good one, there.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
cool muslim vid
This is a really cool video to diminish any stereotyped notions of Muslims, esp. in USA.
The music's good and everything was tongue-in-cheek.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
cousin's entry
I just discovered that my cousin Natra wrote an entry about my engagement and she put up pictures from her cammie of my fiance's "sarung cincin" done by my bro.
The pics from my cammie just didn't do us justice so I never put them up.
Since I'm not sure if her blog is meant to be private or not, I decide to just put up the screen captures from it.

Thanks a lot, hun! It was indeed a party!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
wedding expo?!
Come to think of it, the reason why I agreed to join my bro on his shopping antics that Sunday was due to the fact that I got so stressed after coming back from that fiasco of an event called "Pesta Pengantin yadaa yadaa" at Singapore Expo.
To think that I've always shunned the wedding aspect of such fairs and now to partake in their activities with genuine interest just didn't work out too well for me.
Those people should hand out pamphlets that print the prices of their packages alongside their lists. If they think that I bother to sit at their booth and listen to them yoddle about their services before quoting a price, then they're so wrong.
And those chandeliers are a big turn-off for me (I can't take the heat!). As well and those kompang, gamelan and banghra music playing simultaneously, trying to outdo one another (esp. in terms of noise level).
A headache inducing fiesta.
Seriously. Ugh!
bro & bees-kot
I remember, how I 'impressed' 2 of my guy friends with my 'no-nonsense' way of shopping.
Well, they shopped with me when the mood didn't kick in and I was wearing slippers when I'm headed for somewhere that requires shoes. So there.
And that's when I realised that the guys around me shopped wayyy better than I do. My brother included. They're the sort who enter one shop, check out the goods, try them on, ponder, procrastinate, bargain (if necessary) then decide. Before buying.
I can't do all that! I tend to skip many of the above steps.
My bro and his friend, Bees-coat/Biskut (oh heck, I dun know his real name!). I dun know what is it that we do till' we remain at Suntec-Marina for hours at end. Except that I got new running shoes for my flat-feet, my bro got his bag, Bees-coat got his doughnuts and meet his girlfriend.
By the time we got back to the car, the carpark at Suntec was littered with only a handful of cars. That's how late we left. Suntec carpark almost empty, liao!
And we took photos. Lots of them. I love them shots. If I ever get a DSLR cammie, they'll be my first models.

And yes, these were taken with a crappy 3.2mp hp camera. That's why I keep them pictures small.
Unless u wanna get me at least a K850i or the Viewty.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
13 mms
I came into the office with my ears plugged to the music. I saw my colleague frantically signaling to me, trying to tell me something.
I took my time taking out my phone and off the music (yes, I use a music phone).
I finally got to hear her saying "..... why you send so many..?"
"So many what?"
"MMS. You just sent me 5 MMS(es) of the same picture. I think you also sent to 2 other people."
"Why would I send MMS to you and the 2 other people..? I did not even send any MMS. I just listen to music..."
"Did you lock your phone..?"
Then it crossed my mind, my colleague and 2 others..? Sounds like my 'Favourites' list! The other 2 will be my cousin and... my fiance!!!
I urgently asked her, "So what's the picture that I supposedly sent..?"
She showed me. It was THIS:

4X no less!

And with everytime he receive the picture, he replied with really confused queries.
And the last one was, "WHY?"
OMG. I was frantic at first. Then I got tickled.

How do I explain to him that this pic was in my phone all the while..? In fact, I transferred this pic from my old phone! Heh.

So I told him that this pic was, "...sent to me by my gay friend the day before, to show me his latest crush."
I know, I know. Lame, rite..?
Then something else hit me.
Just how much does an MMS cost..? Almost 60cents each?
My collegue got 5, my cousin and him got 4 each (I manage to cancel the last send).
5 + 4 + 4 = 13
13 x 0.60 = $7.80 ????!!!!!!
Almost EIGHT DOLLARS of pointless MMS(es) sent..?

Sunday, January 06, 2008
some due gratitude
I was soo darn busy last month, I missed out thanking many who have given me a lot. Now, where shall I start..?

Bas, Inder, Kai, Khama & Meng ~ THANK YOU.
I totally dig this bracelet!
Funny thing, Khama apologetically told me that it's also my (very) belated birthday gift.
Coincidentally, he gave it to me on Hari Raya Aidiladha - my birthday, based on the Islamic calendar.
Sheng Leong & Wengyi ~ THANK YOU.
The glass box is gorgeous.

Who was determined to get me a present on Aidiladha. And kept bugging me to think of what I want.
He refused the request for diamonds, though.
So my cousin help me suggest Adidas Mary-Janes.
This old school design is uber-cool.
He actually went down the whole stretch of Orchard Road, looking for this version. And finally found it in Raffles City. Imagine the trouble he went through....
Mum & Dad:
THANK YOU for the bling-bling watch!
They had told me of some 'surprise' cupcakes that they ordered alongside the ones for his side.
They jokingly mentioned designs of a pair of Korean bride & groom, complete with the red cheeks.
Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and found this!
Call me selfish but I initially refused to let anyone touch them.
Coincidentally, Arsenal have a match that very night. So I relented and told everyone that they can eat the cupcakes only if they won. ONLY the ones with the balls & boots. The ones with the Arsenal embelm are reserved for only fellow Gunners fans.
I just can't imagine fans of rival teams *ahem* (the devils) *ahem* taking a bite of that sacred embelm. No way!

I knew something was up when you keep bugging me for my favourite scent.
And this new range from Calvin Klein - Euphoria Blossom, suit me just fine.
And they made me apply the body lotion on my hands so they will smell great for my engagement ceremony...
Suzy ~ for the cute 'Ladybird-Strawberry Garden'.
Natra & family ~ for the snack hampers
Huda & Juju ~ for the dadih & snack hamper
My uncle Hadi ~ for the Famous Amos hamper.
My paternal cousins ~ for the candy box, cupcakes & fruit basket.
My neighbour, Cik Hanom ~ for the corn cream puff.
My aunts ~ for the kek lapis basah & kering.
Nek Kam & daughter ~ for the very creatively done jelly creation.
All of you, I can't Thank You enough. *muacks!*
Friday, January 04, 2008
Work has been like crap. Slogged for 3 days on the same project. Despite the deadline today I'm still struggling while doing trial & errors on the various command on this darn new software which **breathes in** the govt may insist on making compulsory for everyone to use.
And paid a visit to the site for which I'm doing the model on. I think it's freaking haunted la.
The old Rex Theater at Mackenzie Road.
We (my male colleague & I) went in thru the only openable door and it lead to the 1st mezzanine floor where the old movie theater is. It was so damn dark in there and the only light finally came in from this lone spotlight in the middle of the theatre. The upper level remained in total darkness. The walls are painted black. The wires were stripped. No electricity. The air was dank and super-still.
The security guard was M.I.A. I snapped fotos with my handphone cam (with flash). 1st time, I saw some whitish apparitions. Took another similar shot. This time it's clear. This goes on for various shots of different areas. My colleague left me behind to try to purchase a torchlight somewhere.
So far I've no problem being left alone at other sites but this place was...freaky! I hurried after him and almost stumbled at the dark stairwell.
Driving back, he told me he "dun like" that place. I replied similarly. I told him the place was kinda "dirty". It's been empty for sometime and it was previously used as a nightclub.

I'm having big, big dinner tonight! Seafood! I AM so gonna stuff my face. Like who cares bout' dieting and all. I've been thru' so much this week!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Spoken Like A True Committment-Phobic
Why is it,
the more they want me to move ahead,
the more I want to stay put?
.. Or even step back?
I can't recall,
just what I've anticipated
from the past,
for the future.
Future from that past,
is what I'm sitting on now.
And no matter what my achievements,
I don't want it anymore.
Bring me back in time,
where things,
ain't necessarily a bed of roses.
But there were more things to do,
more places to go to,
more stuff to try.
there were less to think about.
was taken with a pinch of salt.
More importantly,
Does it matter,
that I'm financially stable now?
Does it matter,
that I've travelled much, now?
Does it matter,
that I can shop for my own now?
I remember,
sitting alone in the middle
of Time Square, Millenia.
In my tees and jeans,
music blasting the ears,
hands sketching furiously,
Of anyone, anything and everything.
Absorbing the energy,
of working men and women,
during lunch hour.
With their
hurried steps,
hurried conversations,
hurried gestures.
Nonchalant to me,
the shabby teen,
in the middle of the square.
Smirking at them,
their life.
Promising myself,
to never be them.
Who am I kidding?
Never being them,
means never growing up.
... I wish Neverland exists.