However, for the WHOLE of last week, I was unable to find my camera's transfer cable so I was unable to upload my pics. When I dun have my pics, I dun bother to blog. See? That's a good enough explanation, isn't it?

Despite my parents informing me about this trip only in the last minute, I joined them anyway. A quick weekend getaway (read: getting outta' S'pore) won't harm, rite?
I know that the purpose of this trip was to visit a sick relative but the thing is, I have LOTS of relatives over there. It'll not be nice if we didn't drop by their place. And words DO spread fast on that small island. Somehow or rather, they'll know of our arrival.

One after another, we were stuffed with food. Thank goodness they're all good cooks. The sea breeze blowing in, lulling me with the overly-stuffed belly to a tempting afternoon nap. I half-joked to my mum about spending the night there. Just too bad my dad insisted on going back that very day.
The rugged countryside never failed to intrigue me. Especially my first experience at using the 'outhouse' (left). That- shall be another story altogether.
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