(Should have updated this yesterday, but... nevermind)
Imagine sharing the same birthday as your country. But my uncle's definitely older. Heh.
The celebration was pretty fun. With my 2 favourite cousins and loads of kids around...why not?

LOCATION: Hajah Maimunah Restaurant @ Joo Chiat Road (my uncle totally dig their food...Who doesn't??)
NUMBER OF PPL: 18 (big family, even then NOT all are present)
NUMBER OF TABLES: 3 (one long stretch!)
MENU: Tahu telor, sotong goreng, ayam panggang, Ikan bakar, Lemak siput, sup buntut (ekor) and lalab (salad) ~ ALL x 3 sets!
ADDITION: 1 (big!) birthday cake.
PRICE: Dunno. My mum 'handled' the payment.... Heh.
After which, the 'senior citizens' aside, we, the 'younger generation' braved the hot, hot afternoon sun and immense crowd-all the while standing from 5pm all the way till' almost 9pm and eventually got
Sigh....All that ruckus and exhaustion.... However.... THIS >>>

>>>makes it all worth it...... Be-yoo-tiful, just beautiful....
Singapore sure know how to celebrate it's 40th birthday in style... There are altogether 3 SETS of fireworks display from 4 DIFFERENT corners.
I almost went bonkers trying to snap the pics. You know how digicam nightmode is like. No shaky-hands and it takes longer to process. Then there's my cousins who went crazy:
COUSIN 1: That side! That side nice! (Points to point A)
...I start to turn to point A
COUSIN 2: No! That one nicer! (Points to point C)
...was about to turn to point C......
COUSINS 1 & 2: That one! That one the nicest!! Quick!!! (points to point B)
PS: I know this is crazy but all the while, when I was there, I thought, "I bet the rating for 'Shooting Stars' must be pretty low today, considering nearly 1/2 of Singapore is here to see the fireworks..." Heh.
Heya, Bayya!
Like Ur New template - White & uber-cool!
Sorry, had to try twice to post on ur tagboard..
Hope U've been doing fine.
Best wishes to all at home & Happy B'day to Ur Uncle (& the Nation too, of course)!
Take care & Wishes always, Minerva*
oops, sorry I overlooked ur comment. Thanks. Gonna use different colour with every different template I create.
Take care, ok?
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