I think, I have a phobia of cooking. Cooking in the presence of elders, that is. Ok, maybe not just cooking. Baking, too. Ok, let's use the term, 'Food Preparation', here.
I get really, really nervous, cooking when any elders are around, especially my parents. My confidence drop many notches and I believe, that's when the taste of the food got affected. That's why I only cook when I'm either alone or with my bro (he's my avid food-taster). During the festive period, I'll only bake in the middle of the night. My parents will wake up the next morning to see cookies already packed in bottles.
That's why, at my current home, with my grandma-in-law, mum-in-law and even the maid helming the kitchen, I got totally scared of even preparing simple foods for the hubby. So they thought I can't cook (which is partly true).
In the office, when I ventured to food blogs to keep awake, I do get inspired & driven to prepare something. Like the other time, I dragged my cousin with me to the supermarket right after work (to help me carry stuff back) because I wanna prepare Penne in Cream Sauce.
In my parents' kitchen of course. Oh, my mum, I think she figured out my problem and stayed out of the kitchen the whole time.
Last Sunday, the hubby's gonna sleep the whole day so I made my way to my parents' when they're out for their pilgrimage classes that morning. But I managed to do some shopping at the supermarket, getting the stuff to make chicken pie.
I have no idea what drove me to make that. I was even thinking of making Quiche Lorraine. And best part is? I dun even have a recipe for the filling. Just recalling what Jaime Oliver (or was it Nigella?) did when preparing chicken pie.
My mum didn't even have onions in her kitchen. And I can't find the flour. I called her up and she was still in class. So I scavenged around and found some garlic and a couple of shallots- thankfully.
And I rested after cooking the filling. Why, by watching cooking shows of course! I don't have the Asian Food Channel at home so it's payback time when I'm at my parents'. Besides, prolonged standing at the stove, it gave me a backache.
My mum did call back eventually, to tell me where she had kept the flour. But I got stuck to the sofa somehow and remain there till' their return. Only when hearing them at the door, did I scramble to complete the pie-making.

mini chicken pies (natural lighting)

mini chicken pies (natural lighting)
The pies, thankfully, got thumbs up from the family. My bro was so protective of his portion (his intended breakfast, the next morning), that he asked why my was my mum packing some away (for my grandma, whom we're visiting that evening). Tsk.
I packed some for the hubby to bring to work, telling him specifically that I/ME/YOUR WIFE had baked them. He came back the next day sans comments. Aiyah....! It better be him who ate them, and not his mates! Hmmph!
I wish I could have made enough for the in-laws to try but too bad... Maybe next time. So they'll know I can cook too (albeit only western stuff)... Pfft!
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