5D4N Trip to Hong Kong with my collegue, Sri & cousin, Sue.
We bunked in at Stanford HILLview Hotel for 3 nights. We should have taken the name seriously. HILLview. Should have known better.
With a slope gradient of 1:5, getting to the hotel is no mean feat!
One thing that caught my eye is HK people's fashion sense. Are they trendy or what? Even the plainest of faces dress well. From head-to-toe. I'm really missing the sight of the guys there. *sigh*
1st Day's activity is mainly to get adapted, check out the Avenue of Stars and view the Symphony of Lights. The latter is not as spectacular as I've expected it to be. Nowhere like what they put in their tourism advertisement. Then again, the word 'advertising' already carries another meaning altogether.
(T) With a bronze statue of Lee Jun Fan, a.k.a. Bruce Lee. Founder of Jeet Kun Do.
(B) The Symphony of Lights. Nothing much, really. A tad too hyped up.
It must have been a blessing in disguise that we're unable to find the 1st two places we intended to head to for an early dinner and saw ourselves eventually heading for Shadowman Cafe. Turns out, the owner (who's Singaporean) was there and upon knowing that we're fellow countrymen, was only to happy to give us tips for sightseeing & shopping. PRICELESS!
We weren't too keen to head for Shenzhen beacause we do not know what to expect over there but after being reassured by Mr Abdul Kader (Shadowman's owner) himself, we head there on our 2nd day.
The fact that we went to CHINA.... wow! Never have I thought that I'll be heading to China. C-H-I-N-A. I didn't even tell my parents for fear that I'll just scare them.
Never have I thought that getting into China from HK is is so darn easy! Just like entering JB but more efficiently. More smoothly. Definitely easier.
The KCR train station is right where the border is. And the distance to Shenzhen, China from the HK border is a mere 200 metres apart.
Forget the language barrier. All the people we enquired with in Shenzhen spoke fluent English (dun mind the accent, though). Even the train make annoucements in English! But I have to warn you that the signages are not necessarily in English, unlike HK.
And most of the people there have to-die-for noses and complexion. Including the guys. Heheh.
And it's so clean!

(T) The idicators inside Shenzhen Metro train. Red shows stations that have passed. Yellow are those coming up.
(B) Window of the World.
Window of the World is a pretty interesting place to venture to. Miniatures of various monuments around the world in display. These little structures are so immaculately crafted that it's really amazing!
Did mention that it's springtime over there? The weather is kinda' cold, somewhere between 18-22 deg C and the flowers in full bloom are a sight to behold. Gorgeous!
PICTURES LOCATED **HERE** (1st 2 days only)
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