Anxious, I snooped around trying to find the date that this movie will be screened in Singapore. Heard through the grapevine that it'll screen a fortnight after Malaysia. And someone specifically mentioned the 29th.
And yet, I find NOTHING about Mukhsin being screened here. Null, Nil, Zilch. Even yesterday, which is like a few days away from the screening date. Nothing on GV wesite, Cathay, Shaw or Eng Wah. Previous newspaper reports shows that no one has any idea when it'll come here.
Desperate, I already planned with my cousin to hop over to JB's City Square and watch it there over the weekend. Cannot take it la. Read so much about this movie online and I've stumbled upon many spoilers (w/o reading them, of course).
On a last resort, I send Yasmin Ahmad, the director and writer of Mukhsin, a message:
Adakah Mukhsin akan ditayangkan di S'pore?? Ada yang cakap on the 29th... tak nampak apa-apa pun kat "coming soon" punya category???
I really really wanna watch Mukhsin on the big screen. Pardon me if I'm a step behind when it comes to obtaining info but do enlighten me. If it's coming here, when will it be? And which theatres?
Terima Kasih.
And this is her reply:
salaam ct,
the publicity for mukhsin in singapore is REALLY poor! it will open this thursday at golden village vivocity cineplex, but there's been ZERO publicity.
ct, if you like my work, pls find a way to spread the news as much as you can!
Can you believe that? It's incredulous isn't it? That a movie is to be screened here without any publicity. Without any promotions. Do I sniff something here...? Something..... Hmm....
Maybe it's just a lazy arse who's suppose to deal with this, hence the lack of absence of any publicity whatsoever. So here I am playing my part, doing my bit.
Mukhsin is a movie that has won 2 awards at the Berlin International Film Festival ~ Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk Grand Prix & Glass Bear- Special Mention (Generation Kplus - Best Feature Film).
"...Orked is ten. Mukhsin is thirteen. They are the best of friends..."
This story is also about first love. Isn't that just schweet..?
So those who watched Yasmin's past movies, Rabun, Sepet & Gubra or even her touching ads on M'sian tv - and LOVE them, be sure to not miss this latest movie from her.
It'll screen on this Thursday the 29th at Causeway Point & Sun Plaza.
Screening at GV VivoCity on Sat, 31st Mar only.
Go, watch it!!!
**Last minute info update.