I then had a 'light bulb moment' and spontaneously got down to doing something I've always yearned to do; Savour the desserts at Rocky Master! I've always salivated after their array of cakes on display but can't seem to find the right opportunity to try them.
So I treat my 3 female colleagues (a girl's gotta LOVE her desserts!) to some cakes. More persons = more chances to sample more varieties. ; )
Chose the 3 that appealed to me most. Honestly, I almost choose a 4th item- the New York cheesecake but decided against it. Might get sugar comatose later in the office and may not stay awake during the afternoon lull period. : P

Desserts trio

Carrot Walnut cake
Eversince I tried the ones from Cedele Depot, I've been pretty crazy about these 'Western' carrot cakes. Especially with their decadent cream-cheese frosting.
This one however, was a downer. It was kinda' dry. Maybe it's been on display a tad too long. And there should be more of that frosting!
…Or maybe Cedele Depot totally raised the bar on carrot cakes. Even my friend keep craving for a slice of that every now and then.

Desserts trio
Ahh.... this one, I dare say is one of the best tasting brownie ever (for me, that is). Moist and dense but not TOO dense that it became cloying after a while. Not too many walnuts that it all break apart when we cut our fork through. Fudge layer on top appeared thin but it complement the whole thing nicely.
This brownie is a nice balance in almost all aspects and the taste very well attest to seal the deal on how delicious this is.
All 4 of us can't totally get over this brownie, actually.

Strawberry cheesecake
And this is the one cake that I've always been soooo eager to try and it sure didn't disappoint! They have a large picture of this hung at one corner of the cafe and it had look sooo enticing! I can't believe it took me so long to finally try this.
Nice, moist cheesecake and they were generous with the chunky strawberry sauce. A nice balance of sweetness, tartness & creaminess.... *Hearts*
Sigh, enjoying cakes with girlfriends in a nice cafe, on a rainy afternoon…? We were all wishing that we don't have to return to the office once the skies cleared!

Hazelnut eclair
This was also from Rocky Master. A pair of these goes for less that $4! And they're not even minis. It's the actual size, yo!
My only gripe is that the cakes were sometimes past their freshness period and start to get a little dry. I wish I know when the new batch of cakes come in. I'll be sure to swoop in and buy varieties all at one go!
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