Broke fast with Kai & Khama yesterday. My 'good-food' kakis. The theme yesterday could have been: 'Atas' food in not-so-'atas' locations (read:hawker centres).
First stop is Bedok Food Court/Centre, a.k.a Bedok 'Corner'. Near the army camp, there. There's this stall selling Italian food. Gemelli Pasta & Pizza. Tucked in a corner. The variety is quite impressive. Starters, Soups, Pastas & Pizzas.
Yes, it's Halal.
I can't really comprehend what the dishes really are, seeing that they retain their Italian names. Thank goodness they have these short descriptions. And thumbs up to the service given by the lady for answering our queries regarding the varous dishes and making recommendations.
Each of us got a pasta and decide to share a small pizza, just to have a taste.
Khamz had the Salmon in Cream Sauce.
Kai had the Ham and Cheese Penne. I had the Crepe with Spinach, Chicken & Mushroom Filling. Yes, with Cream Sauce.
So much for variety...
Guess, no one is game for any spicy or tomato-based dishes after starving the whole day (acidic!). And we shared this Pepperoni & Triple Cheese Pizza. The base is soft, yet crispy. Just the way I like it.
As you can see, I'm never able to quote the actual names of the dishes. I forgot them as soon as I made my orders.
In fact, I didn't even say out their names. Just point to the pictures.
Not that I know much Italian to start with....
It's nice too see how they try to keep everything authentic - from the names to the ingredients used. Nothing much is localised here. And the price - VERY affordable. Pastas come at a range of under $10. Our bill came up to only $25. Each dish was an average of $6++. Cool!
I dunno if they prepared the food in a hurry or what. The food centre wasn't even packed. The cream sauce was not as rich as we expected. A little bland if I may add. Khama doused his pasta with more parmesan cheese while Kai & I, the chilli flakes (available at the condiment corner). We stopped short at the tobasco cos' there's only one bottle available.
To be fair, I think I'm gonna drop by again and try something non-cream based. Hopefully it'll be better. At least Singaporean muslims have another location to hit when they crave for something Italian.
Next stop - Dessert!
After all that, we were worried we wouldn't be able to stomach this. But I was so determined. Kai too. Both of us had been reading soo much about this place online that I threatened to kick them if we don't go there.
Kai was already showing signs of gastric flu so Khama took over the wheel and I sat in front while the poor guy slept at the back. But he still insist on checking the place out.
The Sweet Stone Parad'Ice stall was inconspicuously tucked amongsts all other regular foodstalls at Golden Mile Food Centre (Beach Road/Army Market). Quite a queue when we got there but we seemed to be the only one to order the 'Royal Claypot Fondue' set. Upon hearing our order, we got the thumbs up from the old guy and lady manning the place (the ang moh was absent).
Kai chose peppermint flavour for the gelato and left Khamz & me (the bimbos) to choose the other. Being our bimboitic self, we chose perppermint and the choc chip flavour. Happy that for once we made up our mind within a short period of time (both of us were known to take ages to make decisions).
Then the uncle asked, "One more?" Huh? "Uncle we chose peppermint and chocolate chip, what.."
"That one is peppermint-chocolate chip flavour..."
Ouwh! It's one and the same! Being homemade, the peppermint gelato is white in colour, unlike the others sold outside. So we choose this new flavour, the 'Speculoos' (I called it 'Superloos'). The uncle said it's some European biscuit taste. Worth trying.
Here's the set.
Belgian chocolate in a claypot fondue bowl. 2 scoops of gelato. A plate of fruits (grapes, strawberries, honeydew {erk?!} and marshmallows. 2 Liege/Belgian waffles.
Ahh... the waffles. That's another thing altogether. Soft and thick, yet crispy outside. And the sugary granules in the middle... YUM!
You see just how dark the chocolate dip is? That'll attest the quality of the chocolate used. Dark and slightly bitter. Slightly runny. Just nice for a good dip.
The set cost only $14.80. Though it's said to be good for 2 I'd say, share it amongst the four of you. Just add more waffles.
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