Sticky date pudding
This may not be my 1st sticky date pudding but this is the best I've had so far. The pudding was moist and the caramel sauce, though thick, wasn't too gooey. And not too sweet.

Bread & butter pudding
My colleague, Roza's choice of dessert. She's been aiming this ever since she saw it in the display chiller at the counter.
Served warm, accompanied with custard sauce. Every bite was such a delight. Very 'homely' kind of dessert, if you ask me.
This will take around 15-20mins to prepare. Caution: Served right outta' oven. VERY hot.
Decadent dark chocolate flavour. Warm, soft, rich and gooey. Mmmmm...!
And I like that they serve these desserts inside an individual ramekin, to avoid any mess. Sure, plating desserts is a plus for presentations but it's such a waste to have bits of whatever dessert being shared to scatter all over the plate.
Can you imagine the precious chocolate 'lava' flowing out onto the plate? I bet you would lave licked the plate clean if you weren't in a public place! So the use of these ramekins was such a great idea.

Flourless orange cake
My colleague Sri and our boss similarly chose this cake. Maybe my 'weight-watching' boss was enticed by the term: flourless.
Honestly, I thought the cake looked a bit dry. Plus, I wasn't too impressed by the fact that it's 'flourless'. So my expectations was a tad low.
Looks can be deceiving, however. The cake was more moist than I expect it to be and the orange flavour and scent wasn't too overwhelming. Nice.
I would love to have this paired with someting 'chocolatey'. Like a scoop of dark chocolate ice-cream on the side or even include some chocolate chips into the batter. That would have been nice! I'm really a sucker for any orange-choc. combo.

Eton Mess
When it was my turn to choose a dessert, I was still contemplating between the many choices. Then, I got curious about this 'Eton Mess'. That name was just so, so familiar but I just can't put my finger to where I've heard it. So I enquired with the server.
She replied, "Oh, it's actually a mix of berries, meringue and cream put together..." I can see my lady boss's eyes widening with every ingredient mentioned.
When she got to the part, "Put together.." My lady boss blurted out, "Ok, I'm SOLD!"
Erm... I thought that was my dessert order…? LOL
And yeah, the reason why the name sound familiar was because this is Prince William's favourite dessert. It's as English as can be and he even chose this to be served during his wedding reception.
Chunky, sweet & sour berry sauce, cold fresh cream and sweet crunchy meringue put together? Needless to say, we WERE sold.
In fact, if there's a choice that I would have made, it would have been this. We simply agree to a random suggestion by the server and I sure am glad we did. I totally love it! Marshmallow and a mix of nuts (mostly almonds), coated with dark chocolate. I'm so gonna make some of my own!
The reason why there's a candle was because it was the eve of my male colleague's birthday. My ladyboss must have gone over and made this special request for her bro when he went to the restroom.
Post meal drinks. I always ordered the cappuccino but I thought that would have been an overkill, what with the foamy cream and all. Especially after these overwhelming desserts.

Mocha latte
My colleague Sri's order. The 2 males in out group ordered the very 'macho' Long Black (coffee).

Classic hot chocolate
My colleague Roza's order. She had expected something like CBTL's Hot Chocolate. A more runny consistency. But that had been chocolate powder.
From the look of this one, it appeared like pure chocolate was mixed into hot milk, hence the pretty thick consistency. They even top the drink with a couple of marshmallows and more choco bits.
You know what would have been great with this? Churros. Freshly fried, plain churros. Yummm!
They also have the Mayan Hot Chocolate where some Cajun or Cayenne pepper have been added for the extra 'kick' in the drink.
So there. We left the place feeling a little high. Sugar high, actually. As expected, it was a struggle to stay awake in the office after that. Pfft.