Met up with the usual suspects - Khama & Bas. Kai's outta' picture this time. The plan was just to hang out. Then Bas and myself, we realised that the FA Cup final will be on (we dun take much notice initially cos' both Man U & Chelsea ain't really 'our teams').
I've cautioned Bas the Chijmes might be packed and we may have trouble finding space if we didn't hurry. He only said, "Relax. I've been there before and it's not that bad." Then I reminded him that it's the FINALS that we're watching. He told me to chill.
So why was I NOT surprised to see that Chijmes looked like a freakin carnival, what with those joints showing the match having NO unoccupied table and the basement was converted into a sorta' bazaar?
10 mins before it start, we contemplated that we will not stand for 2hrs and head out for this sports joint near Bas's office. We knew it's bad news when we saw a line of people outside the place.
"Heck it. Let's get back to Chijmes, Better than nothing."
The match just started and we decide not to budge. Khama pushed aside a planter box and the 3 of us just sat at these little steps by the alfresco dining area. The view's not bad.
And I think they used HDtv. The clarity's superb!
I do feel kinda out-of-place upon realising that I am the ONLY girl there watching the match for the love of the game itself and not to accompany my boyfriend.
And I got really self-conscious when Khama told me that this certain Mtv VJ was at the table next to us.
And something funny happened throughout the game. The climax of which was that when Didier Drogbar scored towards the end of the extra time. Bas and I were the ONLY TWO who stood up and cheered.
Yes, my fren. We were seated in the wrong camp!!
In fact, we were SURROUNDED BY MAN U FANS. When we stood up, I saw only a handful of Chelsea fans and they're wayyy at the other side. And I also saw just how many Man U jerseys there were around us. I got so nervous I can't stop laughing.
All around us, it was silent. DEAD SILENCE. I remarked as I nudged him when he kept on chiding the Man U players. "Ermm, Bas. This time I'm very sure we're at the wrong side."
Like, HELLO??!
Before they even gave the cup, we had already left. You should see the way some guys
Ok, to clear some air, let me say this: Bas and I are NOT Chelsea fans (we do find Murinho's antics cute, though). We're Liverpool and Arsenal fans, respectively. But we got this common dislike for Man U, despite us respecting them, hence the support for Chelsea.
Get that?
Oh, speaking of Liverpool:

.. the owner of this car is one lucky bloke.
Whichever way the game goes, he'll still be a happy man.
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