Was feeling somewhat under the weather, that day. Bad combo of exhaustion and renovation dust. Renovation dust is a bad, bad one. Somehow, I always suffer because of that.
More of that day recorded in an ENTRY at my Motherhood Blog.
Anyway, while waiting for my turn at the clinic, my mind drifted to what I want to have for breakfast. I may be sick but the appetite wasn't affected, so delicious thoughts of scrumptious breakfast sets drifted into my mind.
Stuff like McD's Deluxe set (like how am I gonna finish that?!), KFC's Eggs & Waffles, BK's Breakfast Platter, LJS's French Toasts or even Swensen's… How about Penny University?? Mmmph…!
Yet, as I walked towards Downtown East, I realised just how delusional I was. All I want is somewhere comfortable and relaxing. Something hearty because after I go back, I plan to down all those drowsy meds and sleep till afternoon. I don't want to wake up prematurely due to hunger.
Eventually walked into CBTL (it's the most relaxing of the lot), looked through their breakfast menu and realised that they have some new offerings. Being the curious person that I am, I chose the heartiest amongst the new ones.

Ultimate Breakfast - $11.90More of that day recorded in an ENTRY at my Motherhood Blog.
Anyway, while waiting for my turn at the clinic, my mind drifted to what I want to have for breakfast. I may be sick but the appetite wasn't affected, so delicious thoughts of scrumptious breakfast sets drifted into my mind.
Stuff like McD's Deluxe set (like how am I gonna finish that?!), KFC's Eggs & Waffles, BK's Breakfast Platter, LJS's French Toasts or even Swensen's… How about Penny University?? Mmmph…!
Yet, as I walked towards Downtown East, I realised just how delusional I was. All I want is somewhere comfortable and relaxing. Something hearty because after I go back, I plan to down all those drowsy meds and sleep till afternoon. I don't want to wake up prematurely due to hunger.
Eventually walked into CBTL (it's the most relaxing of the lot), looked through their breakfast menu and realised that they have some new offerings. Being the curious person that I am, I chose the heartiest amongst the new ones.

In fact, I think that this is the heartiest of the WHOLE LOT… Just look at all that meat!

I opt for tea instead for coffee. I'm taking meds after all and I desperately need to sleep!
The platter consist of side salad (love those dried cranberries and almond slivers), 2 strips of turkey bacon, 2 black-pepper chicken sausage, a very thick burger patty (??), scrambled eggs and 2 pieces of toast (taste like brioche to me). Plus small packs of French butter, strawberry jam, chilli sauce, salt & pepper.
I think that can easily feed 2 small eaters (which I'm not).
Unlike all the (processed) meats, the scrambled egg was somewhat bland. Well, nothing that the given salt & pepper sachets can't help with.
All's well but I admit that I was struggling to finish up that hunk of a beef patty. Especially when it's more like 50% meat and 50% fillers.
Quite a pricey breakfast but it sure was satisfying. Plus, the whole place was very chillax, what with nice jazz music playing over the system… It's was a weekday morning, anyway.
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